Interview Tips for Contacts

Congratulations! You’ve been granted the opportunity to demonstrate to the Client that YOU are the Candidate they have been searching for! Our recruiters will meet with you to provide information prior to the interview.

Planning For Your Interview

Preparing yourself for the interview is as important as how you present yourself during the interview.

  • Plan to arrive at the interview 20-30 minutes ahead of the scheduled interview time.
  • Check the Client’s website to get a broad understanding of their overall business, their direction, and how your role in the specific department supports achieving their business goals.
  • Make arrangements to be able to easily spend the amount of time needed for the interview plus expect the interview to go longer than scheduled.
  • Advise your references of the upcoming interview as they may be called to provide a reference within a few days.

During Your Interview

You’re here! You’re in the room and the number of people who are interviewing you may be what you expected – or not! That’s ok; remember to maintain an air of calm, even if you are surprised by a question or a comment.

  • Acknowledge everyone in the room.
  • Reference any printed material that you have brought with you, as needed, to remind you of specific details that you want to bring forward about your skills and experience.
  • The client wants to hear about your experiences, beyond what is included in your resume.
  • Do take the time you need to reply to questions but don’t ramble. Keep in the mind the need to provide clear yet concise answers.

Closing the Interview

Almost done! You can feel it when the interview ‘closing’ begins.

  • Be aware of the time, and respect the intended meeting length.
  • If asked about your references, you need to be able to confidently assure the interviewers that your references are aware they may be contacted to provide a reference on your behalf.
  • Be able to respond to the question “If chosen for the role, when would you be available to start work?”.
  • Thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity to have met with them.

After the Interview

No, you’re not done yet!

  • Reflect on the interview: How do you think the interview went?
  • Our Recruiters will contact you after the interview to get your feedback of the interview experience.
  • Remind your references that they may be called to provide a reference for you.